5 Logistics Companies in Calgary to Know

The logistics industry keeps the global pipeline of raw materials and consumer goods flowing smoothly across oceans and continents.

Written by Warren Fisher
Published on Dec. 17, 2024
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The global supply chain relies upon logistics to move and store materials and goods in complex sequences. In Canada, Calgary is a significant transportation hub and thus plays a starring role in the logistics industry. Calgary International Airport, regional Class 1 railroads, major highways and access to seaports position the city well to move goods across land, sea and air. These companies are innovating the logistics industry in Calgary.

Logistics Companies in Calgary

  • Hitachi
  • Attabotics
  • Ziing
  • GBCS Group
  • Trimble Transportation

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Top Logistics Companies in Calgary

Hitachi is a multinational company with business across a range of industries. It offers a portfolio of digital tools and services that support the logistics sector with fleet maintenance, route optimization and crew scheduling. Once goods are in motion, Hitachi provides track and trace, supply chain optimization and delivery planning services.


Attabotics is a robotics company that makes automated systems for warehousing. In this crucial stage of the logistics process, parts and products are stored in various stages of assembly. When needed, they must be accessed quickly to avoid the ripple effect of lags. Attabotics uses cube storage systems with its industrial robots to create automated storage and retrieval protocols.


Ziing is a logistics company that offers last-mile delivery services. This last phase of the logistics pipeline focuses on getting goods from fulfillment centers to customers — the literal and figurative “last mile” of their journey. Ziing offers a team of over 100 on-call drivers at any given time, as well as more than 500 dedicated drivers who cover daily routes.


GBCS Group is a fleet management company that works with B2B clients to infuse efficiency into their logistics processes. The company operates the Aukai and LokoMotive platforms, which respectively manage marine and overland fleets. GBCS boasts an 18-47 percent reduction in fleet costs for its clients, thanks to savvy use of technology and strategic deployment of data insights.  


Trimble Transportation provides management tools and services for companies that move freight. It offers digital products for route optimization, maintenance, safety and compliance, as well as managed service in productivity, growth, regulatory compliance and driver safety. Carriers rely on Trimble to support profitability by way of efficiency with tools like Truckload Rate, a SaaS product that provides real-time fuel pricing and truckload market rates.


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