How to Pass Data With EventEmitter in Angular

EventEmitter() is a class in Angular that’s used to pass values from the child component to the parent component. Here’s how it works. 

Written by Warren Fisher
Published on Dec. 05, 2024
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If you want to pass data from a child to a parent component in Angular, you can use the EventEmitter() class with the @Output() decorator. The EventEmitter() class must be added to the @Output() decorator to emit an event and notify the parent of the change. A good example of this in action is when you want to pass form input values from the child to parent component when a user clicks a button on a website. Let’s go over the steps to do it.

Angular EventEmitter Explained

EventEmitter() is a class in Angular that allows data to be passed from a child to a parent component. It’s used with the @Output() decorator. EventEmitter() can be useful for creating reactive buttons that send input values to the parent component.   


4 Steps to Pass Data With EventEmitter in Angular

1. Raise an Event

We can configure a method in the child to raise an event when a user types into the input field.

export class ChildComponent {

  @Output() newItemEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();

  addNewItem(value: string) {

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2. Pass the Value to a Button Click Handler

In the child’s template, we use a template reference variable to reference the input field and then pass the value of the property to a button click handler.

<label for="item-input">Add an item:</label>
<input type="text" id="item-input" #newItem>
<button type="button" (click)="addNewItem(newItem.value)">Add to parent's list</button>

3. Connect the EventEmitter 

With event binding, we connect the event emitter in the child to the method in the parent. The $event contains the data from the input in the child template:

<child-component (newItemEvent)="addItem($event)"></child-component>
export class ParentComponent {
  items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'];

  addItem(newItem: string) {

4. Display the Data

Now that we have access to this data, we can display it in the parent component. With the help of **ngFor* to iterate the items in an array and render them in a list in the user interface (UI).


  <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{item}}</li>

A tutorial on how to use EventEmitter() in Angular. | Video: WebGentle

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How to Pass Data From Parent to Child With @Input() 

Similarly, we can pass data from parent to child. An @Input() decorator is added to a child component. The property that the @Input() decorator receives its value from the parent. Using interpolation, we can pass the property to the child component template.

@Input() item = ''; // decorate the property with @Input()
  Today's item: {{item}}

Next, we use property binding to bind the property in the parent component’s template. The value in the parent is the one we are binding to.

<child-component [item]="currentItem"></child-component>

export class ParentComponent {
  currentItem = 'Television';

And that’s all you need to know to pass data with EventEmitter() in Angular.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

EventEmitter() is a class in Angular that allows users to pass data from the child component to the parent component. It’s used with the @Output() decorator.  

There are four steps to pass data with EventEmitter in Angular:

  1. Raise an event:
    export class ChildComponent {
      @Output() newItemEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
      addNewItem(value: string) {
  2. Pass the value to a button click handler:
    <label for="item-input">Add an item:</label>
    <input type="text" id="item-input" #newItem>
    <button type="button" (click)="addNewItem(newItem.value)">Add to parent's list</button>
  3. Connect with EventEmitter:
    <child-component (newItemEvent)="addItem($event)"></child-component>
    export class ParentComponent {
      items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'];
      addItem(newItem: string) {
  4. Display the data:
      <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{item}}</li>
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