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Top Tech Companies (1,045)

Digital Media
157 Employees

Founded in 2014, Tubi is the largest and fastest growing free TV and movie app. Led by a team of passionate entertainment and technology enthusiasts based in San Francisco, Tubi provides viewers with access to the largest library of premium TV and movies, all for free. For advertisers, Tubi helps amplify brand messages in front of the viewers who matter most as they stream what they love. Tubi has thousands of TV shows and movies available to stream on connected TV devices like Roku, Xbox, Playstation, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, as well as iOS, Android and web. Advertisements ensure that Tubi remains free for everyone.

Digital Media
33 Employees

Fandor handpicks and streams nearly 6,000 award-winning and independently produced titles from around the world. With over 500 genres, from the classics to the latest festival favorites, Fandor connects a global community of movie lovers through curated content through our movie library, digital site, and social platforms. Fandor is available on desktop, iOS, Android, and on TV through Roku, AppleTV, and Chromecast.

Digital Media
37 Employees

LiveJournal is a rich, community media platform that willfully blurs the lines between journaling and social networking. Since its inception in 1999, LiveJournal has become home to nearly 60 million users worldwide who come together to celebrate creative expression and find friends who share common passions and interests.

Digital Media
10 Employees

ChannelMeter is a software platform for creator driven media companies and influencer aligned brands. We provide technology for successful creator partnerships, powerful social video analytics, and robust sales tools necessary for success in social video. Creator Networks, MCNs, Esports Teams, Enterprise Media, and Brands leverage our technology for growth, monetization, and impact.

Digital Media
155 Employees

Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.

Digital Media
24 Employees

We are on a mission here at LAUNCH to support founders and inspire innovation. Our small team of rebels put on the largest startup conference in the world, the LAUNCH festival, the podcast This Week In Startups and we run the LAUNCH Incubator. We invest millions of dollars into 40 promising founders a year, some of which go on to change the world. Most of these founders spend 12 weeks in our very intense -- but fabulously fun -- accelerator.

Digital Media
8 Employees

FANATICUS XR enables fans to live scenes from their favorite books, movies and video games.

Digital Media
98 Employees

Hipcamp makes it easy to discover and enjoy breathtaking landscapes, accommodations, and outdoor experiences on public and private land. Whether you’re looking for a scenic spot to pitch a tent, park an RV, or plan a nature-filled getaway, Hipcamp is your go-to guide to getting outside. For landowners such as farmers, ranchers, and vintners, our platform creates new revenue streams for your business, which can support conserving your land and keeping it wild. Our mission is to expand access to the outdoors — ie, get more people outside — to inspire more people to appreciate and protect our world. To see a full list of our job openings visit: https://jobs.lever.co/hipcamp

Digital Media
557 Employees

ON24 is on a mission to redefine how organizations engage with their audiences, powering interactive, data-rich webinars and content experiences that help people connect on a more human level and make smarter business decisions. Through the ON24 Platform, marketers can create Live, always on, and personalized digital experiences, understand audience behavior and turn that intelligence into action. Informed by more than a billion engagement minutes -- including 12 million polls, 1.3 million surveys, 1.5 million conversations, and conversion of over 17 million resources -- marketers drive more revenue from ON24 Webinars than any other digital channel. Headquartered in San Francisco, ON24 has a wide global footprint with eight offices in key regions, including London, Munich, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney. For more information, visit https://www.on24.com.

Digital Media
86 Employees

At Stitcher, we're creating the best place in the world for podcasts -- the best place to discover, to listen, to distribute and to create. Our award-winning app has been downloaded over 12 million times and delivers listeners their favorite shows via smart phone, smart speaker and connected car. Stitcher is the parent company of the Midroll advertising network, representing over 300 of the world's largest podcasts; the Earwolf network and its top-ranked comedy podcasts, and operates its own Stitcher original content network and its premium subscription service. With offices in Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco, Stitcher is a wholly owned subsidiary of The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE: SSP).

Digital Media
36 Employees

Gardner Business Media is a news publishing company.

Digital Media
130 Employees

We Are All Makers Make: is a global platform that allows Makers come together to learn, share, make, and collaborate. The launch of Make: magazine in 2005, followed by Maker Faire in 2006, jumpstarted a worldwide Maker Movement which is transforming innovation, culture, and education. The publisher of the popular "Getting Started With"​ and "Learning By Discovery"​ book series, Make: editorial content can be found online at makezine.com, its e-commerce at makershed.com, and its online learning for kids at makercamp.com.

Digital Media
4 Employees

Pushbullet connects your devices, making it easy and automatic to share almost anything between them. Our mission is to bridge the gap between your phone, tablet, and computer, enabling them to work better together. Why is this important? Simple: in the past few years, smartphones and tablets have taken over people's digital lives. Sharing data between them and with computers, however, can be a real pain. We make it easy and automatic.

Digital Media
37 Employees

LiveJournal is a rich, community media platform that willfully blurs the lines between journaling and social networking. Since its inception in 1999, LiveJournal has become home to nearly 60 million users worldwide who come together to celebrate creative expression and find friends who share common passions and interests.

Digital Media
1 Employees

Svbtle is a company based out of United States.

Digital Media
36 Employees

Explore the world through someone else's eyes. Periscope is a platform for public and private expression and conversation in real time. By developing a fundamentally new way for people to create, distribute and discover real-time video instantly and unfiltered.

Digital Media
491 Employees

Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.

Digital Media
500 Employees

HubPages is an open community of passionate people - writers, explorers, knowledge seekers, conversation starters. Asking questions. Finding answers. Interacting and informing. Sharing words, pictures and videos. It’s a rich and vibrant experience with a unique set of tools and resources to help Hubbers find and build an audience, easily create articles, and earn all sorts of rewards, from accolades to ad revenue. Over 50 million people explore HubPages every month.

Digital Media
26 Employees

Yellow Dog Networks is a vendor agnostic company that specializes in complex network design and implementation services.

Digital Media
59 Employees

Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.