company? Let’s change
Works Systems specializes in the development of Network Management Systems for Service Providers and are dedicated to providing leadership in robust and flexible solutions that encompass: - End-to-end Service Management, covering all aspects of the equipment lifecycle - Automated Provisioning of Active Networking Devices, using standards-based protocols such as TR-069 and OMA-DM - Integrated, Customer-Service Centric solutions With its OneNetwork Management System Platform (a.k.a OneMS), Works Systems, Inc. has successfully delivered solutions in telecommunications and data communications segments. In 2005, Works Systems also expanded it management touch into banking and financial domain with banking core transaction systems and Internet/networking banking solutions. In addition, Works Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of embedded agents, management clients and firmware technology enhancements to leading networking manufacturers. Founded in 2001 (formerly named the Farallone Technology Group, Inc), Works Systems, Inc. have since expanded its operations on a global scale, with regional offices and sales representation throughout the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Works Systems is Headquartered in San Jose, California (Silicon Valley). The core competence of Works Systems is our dedication to the development of Network Management Solutions with a vendor agnostic approach to reflect the customers' mix of technologies and network equipment suppliers. Works Systems utilizes industry de-facto and open standards to ensure interoperability with a wide array of networking devices and under our device certification program, we continuously work with leading networking manufacturers to ensure and maintain a high level of interoperability.
What is Know2Go? Simply put, an event listing website providing quick access to events happening Today, Tonight and Tomorrow.
Mesmerize is a specialty out-of-home advertising company focused in three primary areas: transit, point-of-care, and point-of-sale. Mesmerize, under the BriteVision name, also produces custom coffee sleeves for cafés, convenience stores and other distribution partners, in addition to the sleeves produced for advertisers. Mesmerize is headquartered in New York, NY and Oakland, CA. For more information, please visit
COMPANY: Ordinarily, we would devote this space to telling you all the typical things about our innovative company, our experienced management team, and our inspiring culture. But talk is cheap. So instead, we'll let our work speak for us. At the end of the day, it is the ultimate reflection of who we are and what we value. And through this work, we hope that principles like creativity, quality, and fun are seen as more than empty aspirations. We hope that they are recognized as the defining attributes of all that we do. CULTURE: We believe that a company culture is not defined by a brightly colored office, a nice ping pong table, or a well-stocked kitchen. We believe it is revealed in the number of times each day that we laugh out loud, learn something new, get inspired, look forward to a class reunion, take time for lunch, choose the music, test our limits, get what we need, ship something great, recognize our impact, and wake up excited. If that’s not your current career story, then we’d love to have you join ours. TEAM: PLAYSTUDIOS is the banner flown by a tight-knit crew of entrepreneurs, artists, software developers, product managers, and producers. Although we come from different lands and disciplines, we share a passion for our work and a belief in the opportunity we are pursuing.
Tely is dedicated to bringing simple high-definition video collaboration to more huddle spaces. Our cloud-optimized endpoints enable creative teams to easily share content and interact more effectively with each other, and with their customers, partners, suppliers through visual collaboration.
Incentivai is a tool for testing incentive structures of smart contract economies via simulation using AI agents.
Plethora is building the factory of the future. We believe everyone should have access to the powers of creation - the ability to think of an invention and instantly get feedback on its manufacturability and cost, and then get it as quickly as possible. We’ve created a manufacturing system that turns customer designs into custom parts using robotics and advanced software that we’ve developed in-house. Our customers are R&D engineers, product designers, startups, scientists, makers, and artists.
Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.
Working in both public and private sector, Inneract Project prepares young people from underserved communities for design careers, starting in middle school through post-secondary success. By providing pathways of education and work experiences, IP aims to introduce youth to the field of design and help channel their creativity into viable career paths, ultimately leading to an increase in diversity in design and technology industries.
Highwire is a modern communications agency designed for disruptive companies. Our roots in journalism and Silicon Valley give us the drive, imagination and experience to create meaningful business results through smart communications programs. At Highwire we begin with the end in mind—meeting your business objectives through strategic communications using a smart, informed approach that’s founded on relevance and insight. We roll up our sleeves and immerse our experts in your business, turning your challenges and goals into greater awareness, growth and sales.
Diamanti is the technology leader in bare-metal container infrastructure. Purpose-built for modern cloud and open-source environments, Diamanti’s container platform gives infrastructure architects, IT operations, and application owners the speed, simplicity, efficiency, and control they need to run stateful containerized applications in production. Based in San Jose, California, Diamanti is backed by venture investors CRV, DFJ, GSR Ventures, Northgate Capital, Translink Capital, and Goldman Sachs. For more information visit or follow @DiamantiCom.
Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.
A creativity center that identifies problems and suggests disruptive solutions. Imagine Creativity Center imparts disruptive innovation programs around the world with the mission to transform organizations and people. In our programs we work together with companies to find solutions to important challenges they confront. Together with talented dreamers (participants of the program), mentors and experts we work intensively to find meaningful solutions. With our programs we enable companies to work with disruptive innovation and promote entrepreneurial/ intrapreneurial attitude. To ensure high quality results we search for the best talent around the world to work on the challenges that are launched to us. Since 2011 we have been curating an internal methodology which provides our participants with tools to learn how to think out of the box and that way reach unconventional and impactful solutions. Experiences compressed in a short period of time with a high quality outcome. Our fast-growing community endorses our experience, turning Dreamers ideas into successful projects of great impact and contribution to the world.
Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.
Zylo provides a SaaS management platform designed to optimize cloud-based subscription.
For open positions please visit: Issuu is where the world's most innovative and growth-oriented content creators publish digitally. As the industry’s leading digital publishing platform, we give publishers the tools to deliver over 5 billion page views each month to the 80+ million readers who care most about their content. We help publishers find, understand, monetize and grow a massive global audience on any device — while helping readers all over the world discover, enjoy and share new content. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Issuu is backed by Sunstone Capital and KDDI.
dedicated servers and colocation
OpenText, The Information Company™, a market leader in Enterprise Information Management software and solutions, enables intelligent and connected enterprises by managing, leveraging, securing and gaining insight into enterprise information, on-premises or in the cloud. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ/TSX: OTEX), visit
Priceonomics is the price guide for everything. Price guides are helpful for buying and selling used things. How much should I spend on this used bicycle on Craigslist? How much should I sell my stereo system for on eBay? Is this used Vespa a good deal, or what?
Canopei is an early stage fund with the mission to empower 1 billion people to live a healthier and happier life by 2030.