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Top Tech Companies (723)

Social Media
5 Employees

Naytev is a social media management platform that optimizes the packaging and distribution of your content. While social networks continue to dominate content discovery, it has never been harder to be heard through the noise. Naytev is the market leader in data-driven social A/B testing, publishing, and paid amplification, helping teams adapt and thrive. Naytev is a Y-Combinator company (S14) and is headquartered in San Francisco, CA.

Social Media
16 Employees

140 Proof solves the hardest problem in mobile: in-app audience targeting. Our patented Blended Interest Graph technology can identify the individual on the other end of the ad server, look across many of their social accounts, and return an ad matched specifically to that person's interests. With over 700 million social accounts profiled and over 66 million unique individuals passing through our network every month, 140 Proof is the best way to match ad with audience inside mobile apps. We offer standard IAB banners, native text placements, rich media, interstitials, and first-view video. Find our media kit at 140proof.com and contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Social Media
3 Employees

WorkHands is an internet company based out of 645 Harrison St Ste 200, San Francisco, California, United States.