Behind the scenes, it takes a lot of work to keep our power systems up and running. There are approximately 3,300 electricity companies in the U.S. alone, and that’s just one form of energy that the country relies on. From geothermal energy to biofuels, there are companies supporting every form of energy available.
Energy companies are responsible for keeping our world running right now, but they also have the task to create a better future. To halt global warming, it’s estimated that the world will need to reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050 — a daunting prospect. Luckily it’s one that some energy companies have made commitments toward. Today, there are more green power solutions offered like solar and wind power that can help us live more sustainably.
Read on to learn more about these energy companies and their role in the industry.
Companies in the energy field to know
- Xero
- Erratic
- Iodine Software
- Mailchimp
- Qualtrics
- Bank of America
6 Top Energy Companies
Biz2Credit functions like a marketplace for small business loans. Businesses and lenders match based on credit and loan needs and capacities, which include loans for working capital, term loans and commercial real estate loans. Because the platform aggregates offers from multiple lenders, businesses can shop for favorable terms rather than having to negotiate with a single financial institution.
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Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software. Iodine Software.
Zone & Company makes fintech software products used by enterprise finance teams as add-on integrations to Oracle NetSuite. Its billing tool, ZoneBilling, connects to NetSuite enterprise resource planning products and offers features that manage billing scenarios like recurring subscriptions, usage-based licenses, service fees, inventory, price tiering and other complex contracts. Because Zone & Company products are all NetSuite native, they nest within NetSuite without redundancies or coherence issues.
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Zone & Company makes fintech software products used by enterprise finance teams as add-on integrations to Oracle NetSuite. Its billing tool, ZoneBilling, connects to NetSuite enterprise resource planning products and offers features that manage billing scenarios like recurring subscriptions, usage-based licenses, service fees, inventory, price tiering and other complex contracts. Because Zone & Company products are all NetSuite native, they nest within NetSuite without redundancies or coherence issues.

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