
111 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2003
Justia works on free legal information projects. Justia is involved in online public interest projects, legal aid, civil rights, free legal and consumer information and educational projects. We have free case law, statutes and regulation databases on Justia.com. We developed a US Supreme Court Center, with all of the US Supreme Court decisions with Oyez.org at supreme.justia.com. We also have free community tools, including legal services & lawyer directory, blawg directory and legal twitter directory. We have worked with a number of law schools & libraries and non-profits, providing financial and technology support. Schools include Stanford (Copyright & Fair Use site, California Supreme Court Center), Cornell's Legal Information Institute, Northwestern (Oyez.org - US Supreme Court Multimedia Center & On the Docket), Harvard Berkman Center (Technology Lawyer Alumni Directory), University of Pittsburgh (Jurist Law Professor Network), Tulane (Katrina Legal Aid Center) and Princeton (Pacer Document Sharing Project) in addition to others. We have developed blog search and directory tools for the American Bar Association. We distribute all of our public domain content to Public.Resource.org and AltLaw.org. We also work with closely with Nolo.com on consumer legal information projects. We have also developed legal intranet portals with General Electric's finance group and Nolo.com. These are being used by hundreds of thousands of corporate and state employees. We are currently working on a number of free legal information projects involving Mexico and Latin America. Justia's Marketing Group provides legal marketing solutions, including search engine optimized Web sites and blogs for law firms. The income from these projects support our free information projects.