
3 Total Employees
Founded by a former Product Lead from OkCupid Labs, Whim is a startup pioneering a scalable, automated, concierge approach to online dating. Our flagship product, mobile app Whim, sets up actual, real-life dates. Not just another variant of Tinder or Hinge, Whim takes online matchmaking to a new level by offering complete date curation. Through the use of scheduling tools and venue selection algorithms, Whim figures out the time and place for pairs to meet up, and brings users from phone to date in just a few taps. This approach eliminates the back-and-forth texting, effortful planning, and disappointing lack of results that characterize the experience on today's leading apps. In 2014, Whim raised $200k in seed funding from private investors, including Dave McClure's 500 Startups Accelerator. For more information, see: AngelList: http://angel.co/whim Feature in the L.A. Times: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-dating-apps-20150129-story.html#page=1